April 15, 2009

Can't Wait for Summer (literally)

In response to this beautiful (70 degree) weather we've had...

"It's so hot I REALLY need to put some short shorts on!" Sarah
"Can we get out the slip and slide or run through the sprinkler?" Ethan
"I'm HOT! Can we go to the grocery store to get popsicles?" Hannah

Ethan and Hannah ended up having a "warm water" squirt gun battle. In order to prepare the battlefield, Ethan picked up dog poop, "Mommy, you really gotta see how much Rudy pooped these last few days!" Meanwhile Hannah is donning her swimsuit and thinking of an appropriate hairdo for the event. Sarah didn't want to participate so in response to Ethan and Hannah's suggestion of how she could still be involved she said, "I don't wanna be the Official Filler-Upper!"

"Try not to hit my head because I really don't wanna get my hair wet." Hannah

"Ok, I'll try. But if I do it still counts." Ethan

"I gotta see this!" Sarah

"Mommy, don't take my picture 'cuz then he'll know where I am!" Hannah

Afterward Ethan said, "It was fun. It was fun hiding. The best part was when I came out of the garage and saw Hannah hiding by the wood pile."

Sarah is happy to just be watching. She's riding her bike, playing with the cat, and doing a little jig. She's extremely proud of her own hairdo calling it "a perfect way to have your hair when it's so hot." Some random thoughts from Sarah as she plays and watches the other two...

"If you broke your finger, would there be a finger cast?"
"Mommy, do I look cute?"
"Oh, I'm glad that wasn't me!"
"They can't get me 'cuz I don't have my swimsuit on."
"Selah really likes it outside Mama."
"Oh look how she cuddles with me. She's so cuuute." (said in her sing-song voice reserved only for animals and babies)

All of that lasted a good twenty minutes. Now to get them to clean it all up..."Mom, I'm still wondering why we can have the water guns out but not run through the sprinkler." Ethan
It'll have to wait for another day :o)

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