November 15, 2010

Crazy Daze

November 15, 2010

6:45am - Up and at 'em
7:00am - Wake the kiddos
7:15am - Breakfast
7:35am - Drive kiddos to school
8:00am - back far so good...average day
8-10:30am - shower, laundry, phone calls, e-mails, church worship scheduling, calendar check, meal planning, budget check-up, random household tasks
10:30-noon - wonderful time in prayer and Bible study
12:00pm - leave house to run errands (library, Meats 'n More, returns to Shopko, cell phone call to Mom)...picking up steam now
1:30pm - close friend calls with family emergency while I'm @ Shopko
2:00pm - fill van with gas
2:25pm - paperwork with school office and picking up kiddos
2:55pm - after school snack (my lunch), try on Shopko items (no good)
3:15pm - guardian ad litem stops by to visit foster child
4:00pm - piano teacher here for Hannah, homework, more laundry and random clean-up
4:45pm - leave home to go pick up Australian exchange student (Storm) who is staying with us for 3 weeks...running on adrenaline
5:05pm - meet student @ MSU, visit with the group and work out details
5:35pm - pick up snack @ BK drive thru for kids
5:43pm - Hannah to West for swim practice
5:47pm - Sarah to YMCA for swim practice
5:50pm - Meet Dana and Ethan at YMCA (they were at a Math League meet after school); Dana takes foster child (K - sorry, we can't post her name) swimming; swimming cut short by poop in pool
6:10pm - WalMart run for Storm to pick up a couple items
6:30pm - pick up friend's (remember previous emergency?) child to take her to ballet
6:50pm - back at Y to pick up S, D, and K
7:00pm - helping K with her hair in the shower - still figuring out this African American hair thing
7:30pm - send D home with everyone, I head back to ballet to pick up and bring home friend's daughter
8:00pm - home; all need food - carrots, broccoli, string cheese, leftover macaroni casserole, grapes, orange, "Milo" (kind of like hot chocolate mix) from Australia...random chaos
8:45pm - girls head to bed; Ethan announces he has geography project due tomorrow (and math homework)
9:00pm - D helps E with project; kitchen clean-up
10:00pm - make bed with clean sheets (remember that laundry?)
10:10pm - crawl in bed, check e-mail, and start blogging
10:30pm - Ethan finishes homework
10:45pm - D joins me in bed, reads my blog, chuckles, we "talk" about our day
11:02pm - blog posted, lights out


  1. Did Hannah get home ok? I don't see that she ever got picked up from West.

  2. scary. truthfully, many of our days are like that (espeially wednesdays). And there is always an emergency of some sort to participate in, and always a few extra people (usually kids) thrown in the mix. A few key differences: no homework, nobody out of bed after 8:30, only one vehicle for all the chaos. Also, most of our people can barely get themselves dressed. And "lights out" means "I wonder how many times the children will wake us tonight???".
    Wouldn't trade it for the world though! I am really looking forward to spending time with you guys at Christmas!

  3. Funny Kari :) That pick up was included in the 7:30 time slot.
