February 13, 2010

A Conversation With Sarah

Sarah was coloring a picture of "Love Potion" in a coloring book when the following conversation ensued:

Nedra: "What is a love potion?"

Sarah: "It's like if someone is mean to you, it helps you love them. Or if someone likes you, but you have a hard time liking them for some reason, it helps you be nice to them and show love to them."

Nedra: "I usually ask God to help me with that."

Sarah: "Yeah, well, God isn't in this book...I don't know why they didn't put Him in...probably because they don't trust in God."

Nedra: "How would you put Him in?"

Sarah: "I would put, 'Finish God's angels.' There's fairies in here, but they're make-believe."

Nedra: "But angels are real?"

Sarah: "Yeah, they're in the Bible, Mom, and ALL the Bible is true!" (short pause) "Orange is good for details in coloring. I sure know a lot about art. I think I'm an artist."

Nedra: (after some more coloring) "So, does the Love Potion taste good?"

Sarah: (answering like Mom is crazy) "No! You're supposed to put it in your ear!"

Nedra: "You are?!"

Sarah: "So it gets in your brain. If you put it in your mouth, it just goes down here." (points to stomach)

Nedra: "Is that how you love someone? With your brain?"

Sarah: "No, it's with your heart...but you have to get it in here (points to head) so you can know that you need to love somebody. And then you DECIDE to tell your heart...it's kind of hard to explain."

Nedra: "Who would you take the Love Potion for?"

Sarah: (no hesitation) "Hannah!"

Nedra: "Do you have a hard time loving your sister?"

Sarah: "Um, yeah, basically because she's my sister. Not my friend."

Nedra: "Why is it hard to love Hannah?"

Sarah: "Well...because I see her so much. I don't see my friends so often. So I'm excited to see them. I'm excited to see Hannah after she gets back from a long trip. Then it's easier for me to love her...for awhile anyway."

Nedra: "Do you have some Love Potion?"

Sarah: "No God helps me with that. Love Potion is for other people."

Nedra: "Does it work?"

Sarah: "Yes...well, it actually doesn't, but they just think it does...I think only God really works...I'm done coloring now."

Nedra: "OK"

And she's off...

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