Elysa (8) came home with us so we had all girls for the week. We even had a couple of extras when Olivia (8) and Sidney (9) came to stay for a few days at the end of the week. We went to the pool, experienced a day at the Patenaude spa, sewed ponchos, made friendship bracelets, rode bikes, picnicked, performed dances, and judged a fashion show. Nedra even got to get away to scrapbook for a couple of days while Dana was the only man among the 5 girls. The week was fun for everyone, but unfortunately there seems to be a major bug that is making its way through both of our families now... Sarah just came down with it tonight.
We left Mankato on Sunday afternoon (the 2nd), drove to Alexandria to pick up Ethan, and were at Nedra's parents' house near Worthington by 9:00 that night. Nedra and her sister canned beans the next day (37 quarts) while the kids went with Grandma to VBS and Dana helped Grandpa with a roofing job. Nedra, the kids, and Grandma went to Sioux Falls on Wednesday to go to the doctor and do some shopping. We drove back to Mankato on Wednesday night.
Sarah -
"I thought you said we'd only get a little splash, not a big soak!"
"The Scrambler is a 10!"
"Are you going to talk to me to make me try that ride too?"
"I'm ready to spend some money now."
Hannah -
"My favorite is the Wild Thing!"
"Mommy, don't scream on the rides. It embarrasses me."
"Why can't you go on the rides without shorts on?"
"I was brave enough to try the Power Tower!"
Ethan -
"My favorite was the water park. The Raging Rapids is AWESOME!"
"I don't care if it takes all my
"I don't want to eat anything else that smells good."
"Oh no! The icee places are closing. When can we get my Icee?"
Nedra -
"I need to go to the bathroom."
"Bring on the Mini Donuts."
"I need to go to the bathroom."
"Where did the kids go?"
"We're just going to shut our eyes for a 5-minute rest."
"I'll take Sarah. You take the other 2 and we'll meet up in a little bit."
"I've got a headache."
"I need to go to the bathroom."
Dana -
"I just want to try Steel Venom."
"You'd like it, Honey (or Ethan...or Sarah)" Hannah doesn't take much convincing.
"We should wait
"I thought YOU knew where the kids were."
"We should have made them share a cotton candy."
On Friday, Nedra tried to get the house in order while Dana went to work and the kids went to the pool. Saturday brought us back to Tyler for the Elsing Family Reunion (Nedra's mom's maiden name). Sunday was Camp Patterson with our church family. Today, Sarah is under the weather and Dana and Nedra are exhausted. Plans for homeschooling have begun. (They better begin as we're starting next week.) Summer is fun. Gotta take advantage of it while you can. Right now, I think we're all just longing for some sense of routine...
Why do our summers always get so crazy? I guess I'd have it no other way.