January 22, 2010

The Biggest Losers

Dana and I have entered into some friendly weight-loss competition with a group of people from church (mostly). This competition started on January 1st and ends on April 1st. Like many people at this time of year, we venture out to the YMCA as much as we can to work up a good sweat and hopefully work off hundreds of calories. We're not following any specific kind of diet other than trying to eat healthy and to watch our portions. So far...so good...we're both LOSING!

A couple of clarifications before I continue...I do not enjoy exercise; never have, probably never will. The whole getting sweaty, breathing heavy thing just doesn't do it for me. I was never an athlete (or even very coordinated), and regular exercise was never a part of my growing up. We worked hard and played hard, but never consciously tried to exercise. That really is probably the way it should be (I'll bet those pioneer ladies were rarely overweight). But anyway, I digress... I've struggled as an adult to maintain any sort of exercise regimen. I like to think I'm active (at least in good weather), but that just doesn't cut it anymore in my post-child-bearing, mid-30s, still-like-to-eat-like-I'm-a-teenager body. I recently saw the scale hit a number that it never has for me (even during pregnancy), and it was a huge wake-up call! This is not at all about vanity or wanting to be a certain size; I'd just like to be here when my children are having children. I'm sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. I am really motivated to shed some pounds! (I'm so cautious in even writing this post as I feel like I've been motivated before and then given up so many times) For some reason this feels different.

Here are a couple of things I've learned about myself as I try to lose weight (again...or maybe still...)

1. I'm extremely motivated by a measurable goal. Dana and I are doing the "Lazy Man Iron Man Triathlon" through the Y. This means we have 5 weeks to complete 2.5 miles of swimming, 112 miles of biking, and 26.2 miles of running/walking. Surprisingly, this totally motivates me to get to the Y everyday! I don't want to fall behind and then have to work that much harder at the end so I've got to keep up. While I don't enjoy exercise during the process, I really do feel good when it's over - physically I mean - and I'm sleeping better at night too. Need to focus on those benefits. I think when the 5 weeks are over I might try to complete it again in 4 weeks the next time...By the way, nothing but respect for my children who do close to 100 laps in the pool every swim practice. Right now, I can barely do 3...pathetic, I know.

2. I do better without being on a "diet". I've tried Weight Watchers, the Maker's Diet, some "smoothie, fruit, and salad" thing, and probably some others I can't remember. They all did what they were supposed to do, but I am just not motivated to obey long-term food rules or point counting. I think if I'm going to say good-bye to these numbers on the scale forever, I've got to figure out something that is going to work for me personally.

3. I'm motivated by the competition and camaraderie of The Biggest Loser. The prize for the top 3 is money. That would be nice. I'm not going to quit or give up. What would people think?! I regularly see fellow "Losers" working out at the Y and it's fun to hear how everyone is doing. It so often seems like it's a secret when you are trying to lose weight, but I've enjoyed having it out in the open and being able to encourage and talk a little smack to each other.

4. This is a heart issue for me. I REALLY like food; somehow I've just got to fall out of LOVE with it. Only God can help me with that. I had started running to food when I should be running to Him. I know that sounds cheesy, but it was frighteningly true for me. I've been focusing on yielding to the Still Small Voice of the Holy Spirit. I've experienced conviction, brokenness, victory, failure, forgiveness, relationship, peace, empowerment...Jesus is wonderful - He sure knows me better than I know myself.

By the grace of God, may this not be just another attempt, but a lasting change. I'll be sure to post an update on April 2nd!

1 comment:

  1. I just started a new excercise regime as well. I am still the same weight I was when I came home from the hospital with Esther! I'm losing patience and I'm sick of looking pregnant. On day 3 of the "30 Day Shred" and boy do I feel shredded!
